Jets Wins Over Under
Get the Jets sports stories that matter. From breaking news to in-depth analysis, get expert coverage from the best newsroom in sports, all personally delivered and ad-free. Join now and save on. 2020 NFL Win Totals Odds. NFL Win Totals are one of the most popular future wagers and the odds for the upcoming 2020 regular season have been posted for all 32 teams. The 2019 NFL campaign saw 10 teams post double-digit victories and six of those teams posted 12 wins while another four had 13 victories or more.

If you missed Part 1 or Part 2 of the win total prediction series, check them out. This iteration will look at the Bills, Broncos, Jets, and Panthers. All are predicted to win fewer than eight games by the bookmakers.
A reminder about how we are going about this. The structure is simple. Every post will have four teams. There will be a prediction as well as a confidence level. The confidence level will go from one star for the lowest confidence (*) to four stars (****) for the highest confidence. At the end of this exercise, there will be a single post with all of the predictions — and that also allows for changes after training camps wrap up, preseason games finish, trades are finalized, cuts are made and injuries are factored in.
Not familiar with sports wagering terminology? There will be an explanation about gambling odds so no one gets lost. Legalized gambling is already here for a bunch of states, and it’s coming for more. It’s a horrible feeling placing a wager where you don’t understand what’s really going on, so we got you covered. This probably isn’t going to add up to an even amount of wins and losses based on the predictions here. First, that’s tough and second, some bets will be made thinking purely about odds and confidence. Last year, the over-under predictions were 17-13-2.
All win totals will come from Action Network. We will start with the lowest projected win totals and work our way up. That mean’s we will begin with Miami and end with New England.

Jets Wins Over Under 30
Anything with a “+” before the number means better odds for the bettor. So +125 means a $100 wager gets you $125 with the win. Anything with a “-” before it means you need to put up that number to get a $100 return. So, a -145 means you need to bet $145 to win $100.