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Here’s one of the cooler things about life in the Great Land:
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Last Friday night, Mrs. Animal and yr. obdt. were driving home, having just left Wasilla, and were on the Parks Highway somewhere north of Houston. As we came around a slight bend, an animal appeared in the roadway.
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Mrs. Animal started to say, “Hey, there’s a… dog…”
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It wasn’t a dog. Not with this critter’s long legs, big feet, huge head/jaws and the characteristic ruff of thick fur on its neck. What was in the road was a big, mature dog timber wolf.

That’s just something you won’t see in, say, Rhode Island. It was pretty damn cool. It was just too bad that it was too dark and too short a time for us to grab a photo.

With that…
On To the Links!
He’s baaaack. And liberal heads explode in 3… 2… 1…
This is why Bill Whittle rocks:
A classic – the Army’s M24 sniper rifle. Basically a Remington 700 in uniform. I’ve never handled an M24 but I’ve sure handled and fired a lot of Remington 700s. It’s a good, solid, accurate piece.
This Week’s Idiots:
The Nation‘s Andrea Flynn is likewise an idiot. I mean, it’s The Nation, so, I kind of take it for granted that any columnist there is an idiot.
Vox’s Aaron Rupar is an idiot. And again.
And So:
I thought I’d leave you with something other than music, today.
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One of the sadder thing about the current state of mass media is the death of local programming. Mrs. Animal grew up in a suburb of Baltimore watching Captain Chesapeake. When I was a little kid we watched Doctor Max and Mombo, on Channel 2, WMT-TV in Cedar Rapids, every afternoon at 3:30. Max Hahn was something of a notorious local character in fact, but he and partner Fred Petric (Mombo) sure held the attention of little kids in eastern Iowa for two decades. The country is poorer for the loss of this kind of local programming in favor of the generic pablum that we see today.